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  • Gulzar Singh

Know About "How to Create an Engaging Video Podcast" & Get 1000 YouTube Views Free


Creating a successful and engaging video podcast, however, takes more than setting up a camera and talking into a microphone. With podcasts being longer than the average YouTube video, it can be challenging to create a video podcast that captivates your viewers throughout the entire episode.

Below are some helpful tips to create an engaging video podcast for YouTube.

1. Capture multiple angles

Having the same angle for a long form video can become stagnant to the viewer. Especially, if the camera is too far away, the hosts’ faces can be difficult to see which can result in a lack of connection with the viewer.

2. Show emotion

One of the benefits of having a video podcast is seeing the hosts’ facial expressions.

3. Insert media

Keep your audience stimulated by incorporating media to your video podcast.

4. Be mindful when editing

A heavily edited video podcast can go over negatively with viewers. It can disrupt the flow and make the audience aware of the editing pulling them out of the experience.

5. Use a fitting backdrop

Your backdrop can become a big part of your podcast’s identity, therefore it’s important to use one that fits your niche and won’t distract your audience.

Video podcasts are a thriving source of entertainment for online audiences. There’s no reason to hold off on starting your own. No matter your niche or expert level, you can create a successful and engaging video podcast using the tips above.

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